Permanent Resident Status
Permanent resident status, also known as “green card”, provides its holder with the ultimate benefits of living, working, and traveling in and out of the United States indefinitely. The attorneys at Tourzani & Long, LLC have secured permanent residency and citizenship for countless individuals and have helped them reunite with their family members and loved ones here in the United States. Our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to navigate your immigrant petition through the system and give you and your family members the best possible chance of earning lawful permanent residency. Whether it is obtaining your initial green card, dealing with inadmissibility issues, or defending the loss of your permanent residency status, our team is ready to provide you with the insight and the advice at your initial consultation after review of your immigration and family history. There are no questions too complex for us to answer so please don’t hesitate to schedule your initial consultation and seek our guidance on the below listed areas or on any of your other immigration concerns:
- Adjustment and Consular Process of Immediate Relatives
- Spouses of U.S. Citizens
- Unmarried Children Under 21 Years of Age of U.S. Citizens
- Parents of U.S. Citizens
- Adjustment and Consular Process of Preference Family Members
- F1 – Unmarried Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens
- F2 – Spouses and Children of Permanents Residents
- F3 – Married Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens
- F4 – Brothers and Sisters of Adult U.S. Citizens
- Child Status Protection Act (CSPA)
- Diversity Immigrants
- Special Immigrants
- Battered Spouses, Children or Parents of U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents
- Widows and Widowers
- Special Immigrant Juveniles
- Matters Concerning Permanent Residency
- Removal of Conditions on Permanent Residents
- Abandonment of Residency
- Termination of Residency and Initiation of Removal Proceedings
- Re-entry Permits
- Inadmissibility Issues and Waiver Filings
- Unlawful Presence Waivers
- Removal Order Waivers
- Immigration Fraud Waivers
- Waivers for Criminal Convictions, etc.
- Military Families and Parole in Place
- LGBT and Same-Sex Marriage Representation
- International Adoption
- Criminal Immigration (Crimmigration)